Shelf Exam Preparation
There is a very limited amount of high-quality resources to prepare for the NBME shelf examinations. ExamGuru has authored the most relevant content that is consistent with current 2025-2026 testing standards. Expect the highest quality, most relevant and efficient shelf exam preparation in the market.
Emergency Medicine
Emergency medicine clerkships differ considerably in terms of the types... learn more
Family Medicine
The family medicine shelf exam has a mix of pediatrics to Ob/Gyn, and everything... learn more
Internal Medicine
The internal medicine (IM) shelf exam includes conditions that a general ... learn more
The Ob/Gyn shelf exam has always been one of the most challenging subjects... learn more
The pediatrics shelf exam tends to be difficult for many students who aren’t pursuing... learn more
The psychiatry shelf exam has recently undergone some changes due to the DSM-4 to DSM-5... learn more
The surgery shelf exam is very similar to internal medicine, with some key differences... learn more