Tips for Preparing for USMLE Step 3
As you begin residency, you will be very busy and likely won’t think much about USMLE Step 3. However, it is important not to wait to start planning for this examination. If you wait too long, it will sneak up on you! Fortunately, there are several simple steps you can take to make this process easier.
Start by figuring out which state...
Emergency Medicine Subject Now Available
We have added 302 emergency medicine questions to all USMLE Step 2-CK subscriptions. The EM question bank is also available to purchase individually for the shelf exam...
Surviving Year One (As an I.M.G.) 101!

Hey guys!
My name is Jen and I’m an MS2 student at Ross University School of Medicine in Dominica. I’m ...
USMLE Step 2-CK + Shelf Exam Questions
Packages offering the 2,300+ questions categorized by both USMLE Step 2-CK and individual shelf exams are available now. Please contact us if you'd like to upgrade your existing subscription...
Keeping a journal is still cool!
Face it, by the time you make it through your third year of rotations, your mind is swimming with great memories and influential patients all across your rotations. Not to mention, you still have one more year of rotations to go! Whether you’re applying for residency during your fourth year or have spare time, you are going to want to be ...
Shelf exam comments will now have a link back to the practice question
Replies to your shelf exam comments will now include a link back to the question so that you can review our physicians' responses in the context of the question...
New features added for reviewing exams, taking notes, and searching shelf exam questions
Based on user feedback, today we added the ability to drag/move notes, search questions and explanations that you've already taken, and a very user friendly sidebar to navigate an exam while in review mode. Keep your suggestions coming...
ExamGuru Shelf Exam Questions Now Support by CramFighter!
Cram Fighter now supports ExamGuru question banks for the shelf exams. Be sure to check them out...
All psychiatry questions are now referencing DSM 5
Psychiatry shelf questions are now referencing DSM 5 to reflect the current testing standards...
Duplicating your exams now available.
You may now create duplicate exams to gauge your performance on the same questions. Just go to "My Exams" and click on the "Duplicate" action next to any exam you've already taken...
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